The easiest way to find a translation provider
On a daily basis, we widely employ 22 different CAT (Computer Assisted Translation) tools.
We support any format of your source materials (CAT formats, Word, Excel, .idml, .pdf, scans, .json, .xml, HTML, media content, etc.)
Agile localization? Continuous localization? Transcreation? We’ve mastered it all, and are ready to bring our experience to bear on fulfilling your needs.
Offered Technology:
Our company has been in business for 28 years. During that long and fruitful time we have developed multiple solutions that help our customers get consistent and correct translations. For example:
Partner Information
Category: Technology Partner
Pricing: Our rates start from 0.05 USD per word
Contact email:
LocHub is a Xillio brand. Xillio is the leading content migration and content integration company in the world. Xillio provides technology and services to help organizations get the best value out of their content and make their content thrive in a lean, agile and multilingual content landscape.
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